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Paradise Rd flying field is a FRIA, Remote ID not required when authorized to fly there



Due to the current situation, our calendar is dynamic

Please keep checking in for updates.

Next Club Meeting 

Date and time : TBD

(in March or April 2025)

Location: TBD

AMA/FAA TRUST Assessment needs to be completed by our members. Please visit: AMA TRUST

Who are we? We are the Inland Empire Quiet Flyers.  We fly battery powered R/C sailplanes (gliders), helicopters, line-of-sight drones/multi-rotors and fixed-wing aircraft.

IEQF Paradise Field Rules
  1. IEQF membership required.

  2. AMA membership required for all pilots, along with completion of the TRUST test (go to to take the quick and simple safety test).

  3. FAA registration required.

  4. AMA safety rules apply at all times.

  5. No liquid fuel-powered aircraft allowed.

  6. Rockets/missiles/similar combustible fuel powered aircraft/devices are prohibited.

  7. Do not interfere with and yield to the right of way of all human-carrying aircraft. 

  8. No smoking.

  9. No flying over the highway, pit areas, nearby houses, barns or similar structures.

  10. Avoid flying directly over unprotected people.

  11. No driving on the "electric" tarp runway or pit areas.

  12. Dogs/pets must be kept on a leash or tethered at all times. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their animal. 

  13. Spectators and non-active pilots must remain in or behind the tarped pit-area (approximately 35 ft back from the runway), and are not allowed on or near the runway. If aircraft are being flown in other areas of the field besides the runway, spectators must keep a safe distance from areas where there is flying activity.

  14. Parking in designated area only (loading and unloading at pit area permitted).

  15. All flyers must have a fire extinguisher, easily accessible and ready for use.

  16. After taking-off or launching a model aircraft on/near the tarp runway, pilots need to stand behind the “Pilot Line” (approx. 15 ft. back from the runway) while flying.

  17. Do not fly a model aircraft in a careless or reckless manner.

  18. Low (less than 20 ft.) high-speed aircraft passes over the runway are prohibited.

  19. Do not operate any model aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or any drug that could adversely affect your ability to safely control the model.

  20. At all times maintain visual contact *(VLOS) of an RC model aircraft without enhancement other than prescribed corrective lenses. 

  21. **FPV pilots MUST have a spotter who has line of sight on the aircraft at all times.

  22. Be aware of, and willing to abide by, additional or future IEQF policies, recommendations or changes that may not be on this list of Basic Rules, but are officially posted on the IEQF website.


  *(VLOS) Visual Line of Sight is the distance at which the pilot is able to maintain visual contact with the aircraft and determine its orientation without enhancements other than corrective lenses.

  **(FPV) First Person View is when a person controls an aircraft by viewing, and thereby controlling, the flight path through an onboard camera that transmits to a viewing screen, usually within a set of goggles that the pilot wears.

Field Location

Our field is located on the southwest corner of Hwy 195 and Paradise Road. It is a private, members-only field. During events, visitors are welcome, but if you want to visit the site outside of that, please make sure you are with a member at all times.


We meet on the first Thursday of each month around 6 pm as well as a special get-together on January 1st.  When we are able to, we alternate our meetings between Shari's on Sullivan in Spokane Valley and our field on Paradise Road and Hwy. 195. Please view our Calendar for specifics (subject to change).


In the winter, we fly at the HUB Sports Center in Liberty Lake-stay tuned for our flier in the fall.

Interested in soaring? Watch this clip from PBS' Northwest Profiles

Indoor Flying



Want to learn how to fly or become certified to use the field?



and become a member of our club (AMA membership is required).


Click the links below to friend us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.

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contact us/become a member

Thanks for submitting!

Joining the club? You can pay using PayPal or mail a check. If you are renewing or joining the club, please include your AMA#


Adult Members: $50.00*

Senior Members, 62+: $25.00

Junior Members, 18 or less: Free - must be sponsored by a Full member

*If you join between:

Jan 1-June 30: $50

July 1-Sept 30: $25

Oct 1-Dec 31: $50 and includes the following year

Pay Pal $50.00 payment
        (Adult members)

Pay with PayPal or Send a Check to: 

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Pay Pal $25.00 payment
  (Senior members 62+,
       Partial year rate)

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Please add AMA number

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